Live Monthly Webinar
Hello and thank you
for joining me on on this journey of empowerment and becoming the creator of your own life.
It's so exciting to take back your power to manifest the life of your dreams.
So what's different about these Live Healing Webinars?
This process is utilizing a combination of modalities for a deeper and more effective way of getting results.
The modalities used are a combination of:
Energy work
Neuro Linguistic Programming
Tapping into crystal source energy
Mult-dimensional Healing
Next Live Webinar Event
02 April 19 8pm BST
Blockage Removal to Receiving (Love, Money and Happiness)
I am soooo excited to offer this Blockage Removal Session.
We desire so much in life and we keep focusing on the desire and sometimes we forget to open up to receive the desire. Why would we not open up to receive the desire, if we want it???
Well, there are emotions and decisions that are based within the subconscious mind that is stopping you or sabotaging you that prevents you from moving forward. So we need to get rid of this!!!
So this is where we go in with this wonderful tool that can highlight the issue so we can clear it for good!
We will also clear up parental behaviors that we subconciously absorbed while growing up.
This is a deep energy healing meditation that takes us deep within the body and subconsious mind to bring up specific emotions, memories and decisions to be released that we were not even aware of, that is affecting our ability to receive.
So in these sessions we begin to work on a cellular level to change:
Belief Systems
Break down the old neural pathways
Releasing old stagnant emotions that have held you back
Release any past life emotions and cycles that may surface during the process
Begin to layer in and create new neural pathways for empowering belief systems e.g. increased confidence, strength, courage, determination, energy, belief and trust in oneself, we begin to bring in the energy of ease, to name a few
Align your energy, thoughts and belief system
So what would you notice after sessions:
(these results are just the tip of the ice-berg!!! There are so many benefits and this will vary upon where you are on your journey)
Removes emotional, physical and spiritual blockages
Removes blockages from this lifetime and even past lifetimes
Removes all blockages from cellular level
Releases old thoughts patterns, behaviors, habits and belief systems that are no longer serving you
Client feels lighter, happier and relaxed after a session
Body is infused with positive high frequency energy
Body begins to rejuvenate from a cellular level
Greater clarity in your decisions, and in life generally
Increased intuition
Instill new empowering beliefs and thought patterns resulting in changes in behaviors and habits naturally
Growing sense of purpose and inner strength
Sense of greater inner freedom, ease and flow; a sense of coming home
Your energy field becomes stronger and you are less affected by outside energy and influences
Tapping into crystal energy to significantly boost releasing, clearing and healing
Begin to perceive situations differently (i.e. more positive outlook)
Begin to respond to people, situations and circumstances positively
Have a big picture outlook on life, as if seeing your life path from above
Achieving goals faster and easily
Feel in alignment
Energy field begins to get stronger
All aspects of life begin to change in a positive way
Feel more connected with your soul
Feel more grounded and secure within yourself and life
Passion/zest for life is renewed
12 March 19 at 8pm
Letting go of Ego and Stepping into the Heart
As I am tuning into the energy of March I have a deep sense that we need to let go, let go of all past limiting behaviors, habits, beliefs and energy but more importantly letting go of the Ego.
E G O - Edging God Out
In Divine Union with Source, God, the Universe, whatever you wish to call it, is the most beautiful deeply fullfilling and content feeling you can experience. Nothing can compare to this.
17 Feb 19
Pineal Gland Activation
On this webinar I will give a brief talk about the pineal gland and we will go into a 15 minute activation.
Why would we want to activate the Pineal Gland, also know as the Third Eye?
* The third eye transcends time and space and it attuned to truth
* Heightened intuition
* Access superhuman abilities
* Perception of the world through a higher perspective
* Holistic perception and understanding of life
* Strengthen the connecting link between the physical and spiritual.
29 Jan 19 8pm
05 Feb 19 8pm
Blockage Removal
Goal Setting
Blockage Removal and Goal Setting (this is a 2 part session)
For this session, please have 2 goals set that you wish to work on in 2019
Please note that goals can also be emotional goals, a desire to have inner strength, clarity, or happiness. Each one of us are on our own unique path, so trust yourself in knowing what needs to worked on this year.
Blockage Removal Session
We will first bring up any resistance you feel to achieving this goal (we always wish to achieve success in our goals, however its the limiting beliefs, behaviors and self-sabotage that gets in our way, so lets clear these out at the beginning of the year!!)
We will be removing any resistance (i.e. the emotions hindering us) using the Blockage Removal Method where we dive deep into the body, tapping into past emotions and memories at a subconscious level and then releasing them out of the body, we then have a conversation with them to understand the purpose holding onto it and then finally release it out of your energy field.
We will go through the process a several times to ensure we clear what needs to be released.
Goal Setting Session
Here we focus on setting these goals within our energetic field and making it a part of our physical body i.e. the goal becoming a part of every cell within the body and then setting it out to the Universe.
02 Dec 18
4pm GMT
Tapping into the 5D Grid to ease Physical Pain, Raise Frequency and to bring in Greater Synchronicities
Transformational 1.5 hour Live Webinar Workshop with healing transmissions and activations to release physical pain, raise the frequency of the energetic body to bring in greater syncroncities in life.
What is 5D and why should we tap into this Energy?
5D is what call Heaven on Earth, where we live from a place of unconditional love, that is we are living from the heart. Source energy shines down moving through all dimensions, in the 5th Dimension, source energy is pure light and unconditional love, then it enters the realms of duality and limitations, (4D and below).
In 5D there is no physical pain and when we tap into this energy grid, we receive the energy that not only releases pain but also brings in healing in all aspects that need to start to shift, for our conscious evolution. This energy brings in greater ease in life and everything seems to come together (people, events and circumstances) for your greatest benefit.
I will give a 15 minute talk on 5D, our current energy shifts on the planet, then there will be a transmission where you will be guided on how to connect to this transformative energy.
27 Sept 18 7.30pm BST
Yes as you guessed this month is all about Love!!! The energy has lightened now, with the eclipse season over, allowing us to tap into the higher frequency energy. It's time to step out of the old skin (the old beliefs, behaviours, habits, thought patterns) and to invite the new energy of Love into our relationships. We will be tapping into some Cosmic liquid energetically that will help to draw out fears that you may have.
about relationships.
19 July 18 8pm BST
Release Fear and Anxiety
Stepping out into 5D living
23 Aug 18 8pm
Root Chakra Healing
Meditation to step into Innocense, healing the root chakra to increase financial flow and receive an Abundance Activation
27 June 18 8pm BST
Full Moon Clearing
This session is to clear out limiting beliefs, behaviours, habits and to release stagnant energy
"I initially went to Shivani to heal all the negativity I was harbouring from a toxic relationship. During the second session however, the healing moved deeper and on to a more personal level and after 3 sessions I realized I had gained much more than I intended. A lot of the anger, resentment and issues started to fade but I also learnt things about myself - mainly that I do have the strength to be positive and open and that good things will come my way. I highly recommend Shivani, she has a very powerful gift." - Rox

"The healing treatments that I have received from Shivani; both personally and distant healing have been the most powerful I have ever had. She works on all levels and intuitively knows where healing is required. Physical problems likes aches and pains have disappeared, allergies and symptoms of PMS have also calmed down. She also works on an emotional and spiritual level which makes the healing journey even more magical. My own connection with the spiritual realm has become stronger. I definitely recommend and will be back for more. Thank you for transforming my life with your special gift." - Jayna
"The situation before we started to work together was I was feeling stressed and quite anxious about various aspects of my life which was leading me to think negative thoughts.
I was feeling nervous opening up to someone I hadn't met and was unsure of how the process would help me and what to expect from the sessions.
You made me feel very relaxed, welcomed and reassured. You treated me with a very professional but compassionate manner.
The best result for me working with you is that my life has improved not only on a personal level with relationships with people, but also career wise.
I have a new job and new horizons to look forward to. All in all I feel really strong and positive about the future." - Bee

"I think you really unveiled a problem I had, I didn't even realise I had.
And in the session just now that 'bad' energy was all related to her and those times, how we broke up.
I thought I was well over that, but I think now, that I become colder when it comes to accepting love or loving gestures.
I really didn't realise that was an issue I had, until this.
I definitely feel like something has left me." - Jay