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Life Clearing Workshop

This is a wonderful  technique that can be used to clear every single year of your llfe upto the current year and for specific patterns you have noticed that are no longer serving you.

You can also use this method to clear your mother's womb so as not to absorb any of your older siblings and mother's energy.  


Learn how to:

  • Connect to yourself and body

  • Connect to your energetic bodies on timelines

  • Connect to your heart centre to heighten intuitive abilities

  • To assess the difference in the energy body along different timeslines

  • Use of symbols, sounds and movement to clear energy

  • Clear emotions as soon as they come up


This will leave you feeling:

  • Empowered to help yourself and even your family

  • Lighter

  • Greater understanding of yourself,  of your behaviour and actions

  • Take action immediately when feeling unsettled


How will this change life:

As these old patterns are released you will find it easier:

  • To move forward in life

  • Thought patterns change (more positive)

  • Behaviours change

  • Your energy frequency you emit is higher which makes life flow more easily

  • Manifest faster

  • Greater clarity

You will notice a huge shift within yourself and feel so much better as the denser energy is released


This is a 5 hour workshop that is split over 2 days.

First session:

we will focus on the theory and some practical aspects of how to feel the energy  and getting familiar techniques.

We will then go through a practical of releasing one pattern that you are fimiliar with.


Second session:

we will go through a practical clearing using the techniques described above for the past 2-3 years of life (or any specific any you would like to clear)  and have Q & A session.


Date to be confirmed August - September 2023

Note: I possibly will be running this live only once and thereafter the course will self-led course using the recordings, so if you would like to join live please enrol now


Who is this program for?

This offering is for soulful woman who want to be more aligned and are ready, willing and able to do the inner spiritual work to manifest a life that is deeply fulfilling and rewarding.


What happens after I join?

You will be provided with a private link to join the live session


How long is the program?

A total of 5 hours split over 2 days


How long is each session?

Approximately 2.5 hours


What happens if I cannot make the Live training?

You will have access to the recording whether you attend live or not, for life.  So you can listen to it as many times as you like.


Can I pay with PayPal?

Yes, email us



Is there a payment plan?

Yes provided full payment is made before the start of the live program.


Do you offer refunds?

No, payments are non-refundable per our terms of service.  Ensure you are familiar and resonant with my style, and are fully committed to yourself and the program before your join.


You can email us below if you have any questions before joining. 

Have another question? 

Email us








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